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Lindsey Williams

We caught up with Ms. Lindsey Williams, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2023 Minnesota Youth Livestock Expo. Learn a little more about Lindsey below!

Age: 12

Grade: 7th

How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
Knowing that there is others out there working just as hard as I am and that I need to work harder.

Do you show any other species besides sheep? If so, what other species?
Yes, I also show goats.

What’s your favorite show? and why?
NAILE, the competitiveness, getting to see all of my friends, and there is nothing more than the feeling of stepping out on the green chips.

What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
If possible I usually go out to eat with family and friends to celebrate after a big win!

What has showing livestock taught you?
Showing livestock has taught me to be humble, kind, patient, and work hard. I also think that showing livestock still has so much more to teach me.

What’s your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to win NAILE, because I believe that NAILE is the toughest show in the country.

What’s your lambs name? and what made him/her so special?
My lambs name is Kimmy. She is special because when I work with her at home she does not cooperate but, when I step in the ring she knows that it is go time.

Who do you look up to?
I look up to my parents because they want me to succeed in life and support me so much.