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Brayden Bowers

We caught up with Mr. Brayden Bowers, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2025 National Western Stock Show. Learn a little more about Brayden below!

What was your favorite thing about the show?
My favorite thing about the show was seeing everyone again and being able to experience the Grand Drive on the green carpet.

What is one experience in the ring you will never forget?
Getting the handshake and all the congratulations from everyone afterwards.

What is one thing you try to not take for granted while showing?
One thing I try to not take for granted is everyone around me that helps me. I really appreciate all the advice and time they put into helping me be the best I can.

If you had to use one word to describe the people supporting you, what would it be?

Do you enjoy doing showmanship? Why or why not?
I do enjoy doing showmanship, it gets you more experience out in the ring.

If you could pick another species to show, what would it be? Why?
This is an easy choice, it would for sure be cattle. I really enjoy working hair on pigs and I think it would be fun working cattle as well.