We caught up with Ms. Brittney Schmillen, exhibitor of the Grand Champion 4-H Ewe at the 2023 Iowa State Fair. Learn a little more about Brittney below!
Age: 12
Grade: 6th Grade
How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
My parents are very good at making sure all of us kids do our part to help out in the barn. I also have an older brother that lets me know what I should be doing all the time
Do you show any other species besides sheep? If so, what other species?
Yes, this was my first year showing at the State Fair and I showed sheep and goats.
What’s your favorite show? and why?
Definitely the Iowa State Fair, between the 2 species we were there 8 days, I had so much fun showing and meeting new friends.
What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
We usually go out to eat and have a couple of songs we jam out to as we leave the fairgrounds.
What has showing livestock taught you?
Hard work pays off, Mom always preaches that “We practice 1000 times at home for the one time in the showring”.
What’s your biggest dream?
When I grow up, I want to have a Horse Farm.
What’s your lambs name? and what made him/her so special?
Miss Daisy Jones….the judge called her a “once in a lifetime” animal. I think he was right.
Who do you look up to?
Don’t tell him but my big brother Sam. He has helped me learn so much on how to show and keep me focused in the moment. He has taught me to stay in the zone both mentally and physically.