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Nickles Show Stock

We caught up with the breeder of the Reserve Grand Champion Champion Market Lamb at the 2023 Ohio State Fair. We invite you to read our candid interview with Nickles Show Stock below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Grinch x “Diamond” Donor NSS 21010 (Upper Management x Nickles 1513 Donor)

What makes your operation run smoothly?
“Smooth” is a rare feeling around our place. We just keep busting tail and rolling with the punches. We are very passionate about what we do. Running a rapidly expanding operation like ours while raising our young family is challenging but we wouldn’t have it any other way. We are so very thankful to be surrounded by awesome family and friends that are always there for us when we need help.

How many head do you run?
We will lamb around 125 ewes this year. About half of those will be recips having ET babies out of our donors.

Do you have another job besides raising sheep? If so, what’s your occupation?
Kyle is employed full time at Kalmbach Feeds, Inc. as a ruminant nutritionist/salesman. Audrey stays home full time.

In your opinion, who has been the most influential ram across the industry?
Drop The Mic.

What’s your favorite livestock show?
The Ohio State Fair!
And we love NAILE!

Do you prefer online sales or live sales?
We like both. We like to sell ewe lambs and bred ewes privately and at live sales. We market the majority of our wethers online through SC Online sales and that has worked well for us.