We caught up with Ms. Paige Pence, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2022 Mississippi Youth Expo. Learn a little more about Paige below!
School Attending & Grade: Sophomore at Lake Land College
What was special or interesting about your lamb?
I showed Brooks all spring and he definitely stood out. He was my favorite from the beginning and I was so happy to get back out there one more time and do the best I could with him.
What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
It definitely came down to Brooks, Wheaton and Little Tex. I showed Wheaton this spring and he was Reserve Hampshire at the Ohio State Fair. To say I got to pick him out makes it even better. My dorper Little Tex was champion aob at the Ohio State Fair and reserve aob at MLE. It was my first time ever showing a dorper and I’m also happy to say I picked him out too!
How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
I was excited. The hard work from this summer and fall finally paid off. He was such an easy going lamb and he always showed so well for me.
Favorite thing to hear on showday?
I’ll keep it PG-13…”Don’t mess up”
Favorite person you spent time with at the show…
There’s always a group behind every champion, and mine have always been my family. I got help from a few of my friends too. Thank you Adam, Carson, Danny and James!
Do you have any superstitions?
I used to have a lucky pair of socks, but since I wore them all the time I had to find a new item. I usually try to wear the same belt, buckle, necklace and cuff every time I show.
What is your dream job?
I hope one day I can work for an online sale company and work with graphic design. I know I want to continue taking pictures with my camera!