We caught up with Mr. Madden Wise, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2022 Arizona National. Learn a little more about Madden below!
School Attending/Grade
Sophomore at Early High School
What was special or interesting about your lamb?
My sheeps name was Junky because he was bred by Mike Junk and when we first got him, he was INSANE, and he used to be my absolute worst showing animal but he ended up being an extremely smart sheep, aside from hand walking atleast.
What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
My favorite sheep was Lil Ricky, a Platinum Shelton sheep that had a pretty nice jackpot record this season. The reason i loved that sheep was because he was so friendly!
How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
One of the wildest experiences of my life, as a kid i had dreamt about winning classes and divisions but i would’ve never believed that i could achieve such an accomplishment and whenever i did, i was in complete shock.
Favorite thing to hear on showday?
This is a hard question because it’s different every time but any form of motivation from my sister goes a long ways, even just a simple “good luck” or “good job”, but a hug from my dad after i get out of the show ring is above all.
Favorite person you spent time with at the show?
spent a lot of my time with some of my best friends, Hayden Schroeder, Zane Walker, and Ruben Velasquez, in between drenching and feeding. I also spent a good amount of time with Tate Bittner and Dad working with my animals and understanding how to present them to the best of my ability.
Do you have any superstitions?
I like to wear a black Ralph Lauren button up every time im in the show ring.
What is your dream job?
I want to go to school to become a vet because at Arizona Amber asked me what i wanted to do with my future so that the show could announce it in the drive and i jokingly said a vet, but after i put some thought into it, i decided that being a vet might not be such a bad idea.