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Hannah Hayes Ware

We caught up with Ms. Hannah Hayes Ware, exhibitor of the Supreme Ewe at the 2022 Mississippi State Fair. Learn a little more about Hannah below!

School Attending & Grade: I am a Freshman at Winona Christian School in Winona Mississippi.

What was special or interesting about your lamb?
“Phoebe” is a bottle baby that we raised and has always been a barn favorite. She is a very regal looking gal!

What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
I enjoy bonding and working with all of my sheep, but my favorite one this year is “Twerky.”  “Twerky” is the twin brother to my ewe “Phoebe.” Both of these sheep have great personalities, and I love working with them!

How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
When I walked in the ring I had no clue how I would do. I was amazed when “Phoebe” was chosen as the Grand Champion Wether Dam,  Mississippi Bred Grand Champion and then the Overall Supreme Ewe for the Mississippi State Fair!


Favorite thing to hear on showday?
My favorite thing to hear on show day would probably be the supportive comments from my family and show family! The best feeling is the clapping and “yeah!” from my crowd when you get the handshake! I love to cheer on my friends when they show,  so it’s a nice feeling when they do the same!

Favorite person you spent time with at the show…
I like to spend time with my family at shows. Show day for me is a day that you should have fun! We put a lot of long hard days and nights work in at the barn going into these shows and it is awesome to see it pay off! I would not be where I am today without the help and support from my family!

Do you have any superstitions?
I do not have any superstitions, but I do put all my faith in God! I always pray that no matter how I do in the show ring that I always keep my head up and stay humble.

What is your dream job?
I love the livestock and equine industry! I have shown and raised animals all my life so maybe a future career in one of these areas.
I am undecided on what exactly I want to do, but I know God has great plans for me!