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Gabbie Raute

We caught up with Ms. Gabbie Raute, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Breeding Ewe at the 2023 The Show in Reno. Learn a little more about Gabbie below!

Age: 15

Grade: Sophomore

How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
I stay focused on reaching my goals by remembering how proud my older sisters are of me.  The success that they have had in and out of the ring also motivates me to work harder to achieve my goals.

Do you show any other species besides sheep? If so, what other species?
No, just sheep!

What’s your favorite show? and why?
My favorite show is Aksarben because it is so well ran and I always have fun with my friends and show family. Getting to experience being in the top 8 with one of my best friends was so exciting!

What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
Normally, we order pizza and hang out at the pens/trailer to celebrate when we have a good day; however, for this win I went and had dinner with my show family and new friends gained from all over the country.

What has showing livestock taught you?
Showing livestock has taught me responsibility and how to make real life connections with breeders and other show families to better my communication skills and pave my path in the industry

What’s your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to win the North American Livestock Exposition. That show in particular holds lots of memories for my family and I’m looking forward to hopefully making more!

What’s your lambs name? and what made him/her so special?
My ewe’s name was Prudence, but we called her Prudy. She was special because she had the biggest personality out of any animal I’ve ever had. She was always so happy to see me — she climbed on the gates, wanted scratches and loved a good snack (normally pop tarts or something salty!).

Who do you look up to?
I look up to my older sisters, Samantha and Alex Raute, and my aunt, Kristy Pingel.