We caught up with Mr. Tucker Morrical, exhibitor of the Supreme Breeding Ewe at the 2022 Aksarben Stock Show. Learn a little more about Tucker below!
School Attending & Grade: I am currently a sophomore at Bellarmine University in Louisville Kentucky, majoring in Biology and on the Pre-Physician Assistant track.
What was special or interesting about your lamb?
Flamin’ was an athletic and proportionate show lamb whose muscular build was still super massive. He hand walked smoothly and with power, always demanding attention when he was in motion.
What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
It is hard to place favorites, but my Reserve Grand Champion at Kentucky State Fair “Flamin’ Hot” was definitely at the top of my list. Watching him grow and mature over the season was so much fun, and often stressful at times, but he was always the one to run up to you to say hi. Also knowing he came from some special friends at Amburgey Genetics (Jaye), made it extra special. My other favorite would have to be my southdown Ranchy, short for Cool Ranch. Southdown’s have a special place in my heart, and he has been my best one to show to date.
How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
Not just that moment, but that whole week still feels like a dream. First of all, I want to give glory to God. Without Him, all of this would be meaningless, and I hope that no matter the hour, no matter if I win or lose, I am able to show His love to everyone. But to focus on the moment, from walking into our BFX class to walking out of the final drive, Flamin’ and I always moved with our hearts on our sleeves. When we were chosen for Reserve, all of the stress of the show season was relieved. Knowing that all of the blood, sweat, and tears were worth it. And knowing that I had all of my family and friends behind me made the moment even more special. On the flip side, it hit me like a brick that I was now done showing Flamin’. But being able to have such a special connection with that lamb and for us to accomplish something so big together is a memory I will never lose.
Favorite thing to hear on showday?
“Lets get them ready.”
These words always send a shot of adrenaline down my veins. These words mean that it is go time, that the show is in full swing and we are about to go give it our very best. At this moment, we haven’t gone before the judge yet, haven’t gone through the emotions of the win or the loss, and haven’t overanalyzed the lambs to such a high degree (sometimes). These words mean that it is time to give it all that I have and to show the hard work that my lambs and I have put in together. “Lets get them ready” means that anything is possible.
Favorite person you spent time with at the show…
Can I say everyone? Because that is exactly my answer. First of all – Mom, Dad, Levi, and Jackson – who spend hours in the barn along with me to help achieve my goals. Next is my extended family, like my Mamaw, Papaw, and Aunt Nancy, who makes shows extra special whenever they are able to attend. And my cousins Will and Malley, who show pigs, make expos and State even more exciting to be able to cheer them on. Then my wonderful show family that I have gained through years of showing livestock. These animals have given me an opportunity to make so many close friends that I would be lost without. We are able to compete against each other and still always be the first one to run up and give a huge hug when one of us wins. Living in this world requires a village to build you up and to hold you accountable, and I am so grateful that my village has come from the show world.
Do you have any superstitions?
No, I’ve never really grown up with any superstitions. The closest thing I maybe would say is to never eat before shows. Not because anything bad would happen, but I just get so excited that I never feel my hunger until after the show. And then I can eat until the cows come home.
What is your dream job?
Going into college, I declared a major in Biology because I was undecided if I wanted to pursue a medical or a veterinary career path. All that I knew for certain is that I wanted to help people, either themselves or with their livestock. Currently, I am planning on entering a Physician Assistant Program once I graduate, and am beginning to explore the options within that career field. I do know though, that wherever I end up with my job, I always want to be involved in the livestock industry. I have started to breed a few ewes of my own, and have learned so many interesting things about this industry in the past few years that I would have never dreamed of. And I know there is still much to learn. I am so excited to continue to grow in my showing career, breeding program, and expand into other species.