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Davis Hill

We caught up with Mr. Davis Hill, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2023 Michigan Livestock Expo. Learn a little more about Davis below!

Age: 12

Grade: Going into 7th grade

How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
I think of my goal while I am working on my sheep.  I visualize my goal and think, this is why I am out here working.

Do you show any other species besides sheep? If so, what other species?
Cattle, steers and heifers

What’s your favorite show? and why?
County Fair because all of my friends are there, and it is great camaraderie.

What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
Go out with my friends and family for dinner

What has showing livestock taught you?
You can’t give up on something you want to achieve, you have to keep trying to succeed.

What’s your biggest dream?
To win the American Royal

What’s your lambs name? and what made him/her so special?
Alfredo, he was super sweet.  He had a great personality and was one of the gentlest, nicest sheep I have had.  Plus, he was super white featured and just plain pretty!

Who do you look up to?
Charlie Hild