We caught up with Mr. Corbin Garner, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2022 State Fair of Texas. Learn a little more about Corbin below!
How Long Have you Shown?
I have shown lambs since I was 4 years old. My grandpa Robert Echols, who I called “Meow-Meow”, raised show lambs when my mom was showing. So when my grandpa asked if I wanted to show, I was all in!
What is your greatest accomplishment as a showman?
Champion Southdown and 5th overall market lamb at the 2022 Arizona National Livestock Show or Champion Wether Dam at the 2022 State Fair of Texas.
Favorite thing to do on the way to the show?
I like talking to my parents and scrolling through social media but my favorite thing to do is talk with my dad about improving our ewe base and where to go shop for sheep next show season.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland and Scotland. The amount of livestock operations over there is insane to me and I think it would be very interesting to go visit them.
If you could enter the ring to a song what song would it be?
I’ve always said that if I played baseball, my walk up song would be the opening guitar riff in the song Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. Definitely a top 5 guitar riff of all time in my opinion!
Wethers vs Ewes
State Fairs vs National Shows
State Fairs
Candids vs Backdrops
Beach Vacation vs Mountain Vacation
Mountain Vacation