We caught up with Mr. Brayden Bowers, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Registered Ewe at the 2022 Arizona National. Learn a little more about Brayden below!
How Long Have you Shown?
Nine years- I have been showing since I was 4 years old.
What is your greatest accomplishment as a showman?
I had an unbelievable AK-SAR-BEN this year – I was Reserve Champion Market Lamb, 4th Overall Market Hog, 5th Overall Market Gilt, and Supreme Breeding Gilt all in 24 hours.
Favorite thing to do on the way to the show?
My favorite thing to do on the way to the show is watch YouTube or play Gamepigeon with my friends.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
It would definitely be Australia because of all the wildlife
If you could enter the ring to a song what song would it be?
Either Entersand Man or The Greatest Showman.
Ewes vs Wethers
State Fairs vs National Shows
National Shows
Candids vs Backdrops
Beach Vacation vs Mountain Vacation
Beach Vacation