We caught up with Mr. Blake Holmes, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2022 Utah State Fair. Learn a little more about Blake below!
School Attending & Grade: I’m a senior at Uintah High School.
What was special or interesting about your lamb?
This lamb kind of had a rough start. He was a twin out of a first time mom. She didn’t milk very good. So he was skinny and hard to look at. But once he hit the creep hard I just had to have him.
What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
My favorite sheep I’ve had in the barn this year was a ewe lamb we called Sasha. She was one who just continued to get better and was cool to watch grow. She had a little bit of an attitude and a unique personality. This always made it fun to take her out into the ring.
How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
I was ecstatic. To have all your hard work and late nights in the barn pay off is something you can’t help but crack a smile at. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to be selected.
Favorite thing to hear on showday?
My favorite thing to hear on show day is the judges. I love to sit and listen to them talk livestock.
Favorite person you spent time with at the show…
To narrow it down to one person is impossible. My favorite people to spend time with are my show family. Who consists of family and life long friends. The shows wouldn’t be the same without them.
Do you have any superstitions?
I’m a very superstitious person. I do everything just like we do at home. And of course I gotta wear my lucky belt buckle.
What is your dream job?
I don’t have a dream job. I’m not entirely sure what I want to do as a career. I know I want to be involved in agriculture. So I hope to go to college and find a career in this industry that I love.