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Neff Livestock

We caught up with the breeder of the Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2024 Arizona National. We invite you to read our candid interview with Neff Livestock below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Chief x Saban

What is an interesting fact about your champion?
She was a skinny rat that we had a feeling on.

Best piece of advice for someone just getting started?
Be inquisitive…. I had a conversation with the Zerbach family this weekend and they told me how many questions they asked. Neither parent came from an ag background. Not only did they ask a bunch of questions but they put that advice to use. My hats off to them.

What has been the hardest thing you have faced as a breeder?
Satisfying myself with the product that we put out for the public. We have been very blessed with some great sheep and families to show them, but we continue to strive to get them better.

What is one thing you think is a non-negotible purchase?
A form of exercise

What is your favorite Fall Show? Why?
That’s tough but I’ve always had an obsession with Louisville. That’s our annual measuring stick.

Who is a foundation builder for your heard? What makes her so special?
Dudes Diva set the foundation. 95% of our donors trace back to her