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Begalka Livestock

We caught up with the breeder of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 Aksarben Stock Show. We invite you to read our candid interview with Begalka Livestock below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Mythical x Ignite x Zoo Creature

Best piece of advice for someone just getting started?
Start with with a solid base , build your ewe families that are consistent.

What has been the hardest thing you have faced as a breeder?
With the rise in ram semen sales , everyone has access to the same rams. Now more then ever a breeder has to make sure their ewe flock is capable of raising the quality it takes to be successful.

What is one thing you think is a non-negotible purchase?
Not sure I’m the best person to answer this question. I’ve been known to buy a donor cow or sheep when we didn’t plan on it. When it comes to facilities just make sure they are workable and fit your environment. Probably a mineral program maybe something to not cut corners on.

What is your favorite Fall Show? Why?
We don’t get to many anymore but always  enjoyed watching  Louisville. Even if we can’t make it we try to watch the live streams .

Who is a foundation builder for your heard? What makes her so special?
We have always focused on ewe families and have been fortunate that they keep breeding true and continue to raise the kind we are trying to make. Current Donor O108 seems to pop up when we are catching our favorites.

Who have you looked up to while building your herd? Why?
I was very fortunate that my Dad was a great cattleman and taught me the fundamentals on raising livestock. We just try to keep everything in check with our decisions moving forward.