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Dotty Lefty

We caught up with Ms. Dotty Lefty, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 California Youth Expo. Learn a little more about Dotty below!

What is one thing you try to do that sets you apart?
I believe that one thing that sets me apart within this industry is that I try to keep my group small and focus on the bigger picture of showing livestock, trying to keep in mind that at the end of the day this is a youth development industry that teaches kids work ethic, healthy competition, and the ability to develop strong relationships. With this I try to give back as much as I can and help as many people as I can, because people helping me simply out of kindness got me to where I am. I try not to loose sight of the bigger picture of the show industry and focus more on the lifelong lessons learned more than the banner.

What was the hardest thing you had to learn about showing sheep?
The hardest thing I had to learn about showing sheep was realizing that people are going to be negative towards you and others in general, although if you keep your head up and surround yourself with great people all the negative distractions fade away, because throughout this industry there are some pretty amazing people.

Who has helped you the most as a showman?
To pick one person who has helped me the most would be next to impossible although throughout the years Brock Sapp has always been in my corner and stuck with me and my family through it all and I wouldn’t be half the showman today without him and his support. Kyler Vernon has also had a huge role in my success through endless hours of barn time and hours of showmanship practices. I have been truly blessed to have tones of support from so many  throughout the years, from some great families such as the Hoekstra and Cummings families who over time have grown into family.

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