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Caleb Boardman

We caught up with Mr. Caleb Boardman after he judged the ewes at the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo. Check out his thoughts below…

What class were you the most surprised about?
No surprises, the quality was every bit what I expected. Was a little surprised there was as much paint and dye still used in the papered suffolks.

Describe your champion in one word.

What was your hardest decision of the day?
While classes 10 & 11 had some real tough calls to make, deciding how to line up the top 3 was the most challenging. Those 3 separated, but thought they could be justified in any order.

What was the most memorable moment of the show?
Watching that line-up of class champions come back in will stick with me. Always memorable to pick the champion and see the joy on the exhibitors face as well.

Did you drive or fly?
We were in full Houston preparation mode with the judging team, so we practiced all day Saturday, I drove in late Saturday night, judged all Sunday and drove back to College Station Sunday night. Or to be more accurate, one of my college students drove me while I rode shotgun.

What was your favorite meal while you were at the show?
Buc-ees, Subway, breakfast at the hotel or the pasta during the show – all 5 star.

Favorite movie?