We caught up with Ms. Reagan Babb, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Ewe at the 2024 State Fair of Virginia. Learn a little more about Reagan below!
What is one thing you try to do that sets you apart?
I always strive to be respectful, helpful and courteous to my competitors. Having a good attitude in and outside of the ring regardless of the outcome is a top priority.
What was the hardest thing you had to learn about showing sheep?
A hard thing that I had to learn about showing lambs is that know two sheep are the same. Learning how to show the judge the best view of each lamb from difficult behavior to showing out their flaws.
Who has helped you the most as a showman?
It’s hard to name just a few people who have helped me get where I am today. The 2 families that come to my mind without thinking twice about it would be Anna Somerindyke and the Schumaker Family with Mountain View Farm Club Lambs. They’re only a phone call away and are always willing to help me with whatever I need! I’m very thankful for all the knowledge they have shared with me!
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