We caught up with Ms. Lyla Kephart, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2022 Indiana Stock Show. Learn a little more about Lyla below!
School Attending & Grade: I am in 7th grade at Indian Creek Middle School
What was special or interesting about your lamb?
Something special about my lamb is his markings and his attitude. He has a pearl white face with a little bit black on his ears and nose and he’s always been my baby.
What was your favorite sheep in your barn this year?
My favorite sheep was my white face cross Tripp he is a very speacial sheep and could not have a better attitude
How would you describe the moment you were selected as champion?
The moment I was selected Grand Champion I was in total shock. I had the champion white face cross I knew I had a chance but I never believed I would be holding the Grand Champion Market Lamb banner when the drive was over.
Favorite thing to hear on showday?
I don’t have specific phrase but mainly words of encouragement before I go into the ring.
Favorite person you spent time with at the show…
My favorite person I spent time with at the show was my cousin Carson. I do not get to see her very often because we live in different states so it was really speacial to have her there supporting me.
Do you have any superstitions?
Yes after Indiana Stock Show I always wear my lucky ring. Necklace and my other ring. I also wear my lucky shirt on showday.
What is your dream job?
My dream Job is to become a large and Small animal vet. I also want to judge national livestock shows.