We caught up with Ms, Lexi McCaffree exhibitor of the Reserve Grand 4-H Breeding Ewe at the 2023 Nebraska State Fair. Learn a little more about Lexi below!
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?
I always try to think of my end goal or what I want to accomplish, and that really helps me stay focused on my livestock.
Do you show any other species besides sheep? If so, what other species?
I also show horses in 3-day eventing.
What’s your favorite show? and why?
My favorite show I have ever gone to was a small jackpot in Globe AZ when we still lived in CA. There were so many funny and memorable moments that happened at that show that I can never forget.
What do you do to celebrate after a big win?
My family and I went out to our favorite restaurant “Misty’s”.
What has showing livestock taught you?
Showing livestock has taught me that the time spent with family and friends is the most important time. It has also taught me how to push myself to achieve my goals.
What’s your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to live a happy life and influence people to do good things, and be kind to everyone.
What’s your lambs name? and what made him/her so special?
My sheep’s name is Foxie and she acted like a princess.
Who do you look up to?
I look up to my mom because, she always pushes me to put my best work into my sheep, she also helps me stay motivated.