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Graham Newsom

We caught up with Mr, Graham Newsom exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2023 North American. Learn a little more about Graham below!

Grade: HP Webb Elementary/5th grade

Tell us a little bit about your champion. 
His name is MJ and he was raised by Donnie Begalka. He was sired by Making Waves and he had a great jackpot career before going to Louisville. MJ wasn’t the easiest sheep to show….he was a little bit of a knucklehead when walking but we finally got him broke.

Throughout your show career what’s been your favorite lamb?
It is hard for me to pick just one but my boy Lil Wayne that was named Grand at Fort Worth last year was a family favorite.

Do your prefer showing Wethers or Ewes?
Mainly wethers…my little sister shows a few of our better ewe lambs.

Are you superstitious? If so, what are your superstitions?

It’s showday – what is one thing you can’t leave the hotel/house without?
Show clothes

What do you tell yourself right before you go into the ring?
I say a prayer.

Are you an early riser or a night owl?
night owl….I’m not the best early in the morning

Who has been your biggest influence?
My dad. I wouldn’t be able to do as much as I have without him. He works really hard to help us have the success that we have been lucky enough  to have. Ty & Nicole Allen along with Cooper Newcomb have helped me grow as a showman….I guess I have a few influences!

What’s your favorite thing to do in the barn?
I really enjoy working with babies in the winter time, and working legs on show sheep.