We caught up with Ms. Flora Appleton, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2025 San Angelo Stock Show. Learn a little more about Flora below!
What school do you attend/grade are you in?
Richland Springs Highschool 10th grade
Leading up to the show, did you always know this lamb was special? What made him special?
Our family has been buying Valentine sheep for about 4 years now. My lamb “Van Gogh”has been a barn favorite since the beginning of the show season. When exercising him on the track our track dog, Stache bit his ear, causing it to split in half. That is when he earned his name.
Getting to win a TX Major is a huge accomplishment, who would you like to thank for helping you get here?
I would like to thank my parents for everything they do for me in the barn and outside of it as well. Another thank you to Travis and Kasey Herod. Without any of them I wouldn’t have gotten to experience this accomplishment. Can’t forget about my Stock show family as well.
What is one show ring experience that you will never forget?
My very first time to show a sheep at a major show was in 2020. I won my first market lamb “H”. I can still feel the craziness as show families, volunteers, and officials pushed to finish the show in one day. It was special to me because that year, Lili, my older sister won the class after me and we were in the Medium Wool Drive together side by side.
If you could describe your experience in words – how would you describe it?
Unreal- As the youngest in the family I have always watched my brother and sister succeed in the stock show industry and have always had to wait my turn and get in line. To have finally earned a big hand shake seems like an unreal experience.
Who has been your biggest influence?
My biggest influence would be my mom (Kym Appleton) she has always taught be how to work hard when no one is watching, to out work your opponents, and overall be a good person and strive to be the best. Without her none of this would be possible. She does so much for me with being at the barn during late hours and early mornings. Doing so much for me when I am gone for basketball and when I am there to just help me and be successful.
If you had the opportunity to win one show, what would it be?
If I could Win one show it would be Houston, no one in my family has won Houston. We have had a bunch of success over the years over there, but never a Grand or Reserve Champion.
Who is your favorite judge? Why?
Although I don’t have a particular favorite, but who I enjoy showing to is someone who I can understand why I am the place I am. I appreciate being able to understand thru their eyes what they see, and have a personality while giving reasons.
What do you enjoy most about being at the shows?
What I enjoy the most about being at shows would to be seeing my friends and being with my stock show family. I have made friendships that will last a life time and am so grateful for everyone in my life.