We caught up with Mr. Clay Randall, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2025 National Western Stock Show. Learn a little more about Clay below!
What was your favorite thing about the show?
I like how much stuff there is to do in between drenches and feedings like all the stuff that is upstairs.
What is one experience in the ring you will never forget?
Me and Sayde Allen being in the same class at Tulsa then going all the way to get grand and reserve champion.
What is one thing you try to not take for granted while showing?
How much time you have in the ring. It feels like it was yesterday when I went in the ring for the first time and now I only have one year left.
If you had to use one word to describe the people supporting you, what would it be?
If you had to pick a favorite judge, who would it be and why?
I’ve had the honor to show to a bunch of great judges but the two that I will always love showing to are Nolan hildebrand and Brent Jennings
Do you enjoy doing showmanship? Why or why not?
I typically do it enjoy doing showmanship because we spend all of this time working on the sheep huts for judges to judge us.
If you could pick another species to show, what would it be? Why?
I would say pigs because I used to show them so I would kind of know what’s going on.