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Tyler Homann

We caught up with judge Tyler Homann before he steps “Inside the Ring” to sort the Junior Breeding Ewe Show at the Kentucky State Fair. Learn more about Tyler below…

What’s been your all time favorite sheep you have judged?
Have been lucky to evaluate a lot of really good ones over the years, but not sure if I have a clear favorite. Might find “the one” in Kentucky!

Who’s your biggest influence in evaluating livestock?
Had great judging coaches and teammates in college that challenged and pushed me past what I “thought” I knew. Today I’m blessed with a core group of really good friends who do the same.

What do you look for when evaluating?
Bad built ones are never fun to look at. Then have to have some muscle and stoutness, and balance and proportion appropriately.

If down to the last few, what will be your sort?
At that point they are all sound and have muscle and some stoutness. After that it’s which ones are the most unique and hardest to make.

Do you prefer to evaluate when sheep are in motion or stuck on profile?
TWell I spend a lot of time watering, and they are mostly walking around when I’m doing that so I would have to say in motion. But I do think good ones look good in motion, stuck, or even laying down.

Tell us about your family!
This past November my amazing wife Emma and I got married. Today we, along with our dogs and sheep, we live on and are continuing to grow the homestead my mom grew up on. We are both blessed with great families that love and support us.

What’s one show you look forward to every year?
The One and Only” Midwest Stud Ram Sale #makesedaliagreatagain WOO!! In reality though, any time Emma and I get to go see good livestock and even better friends is time well spent!

In your mind, how has the industry changed in the show ring over the last 10 years?
Not saying it didn’t use to be, but feel it is so much more competitive. From day one both breeders and show families have to be dialed in.

We caught up with sheep showmanship judge Tyler Homann before he steps “Inside the Ring” at the Kentucky State Fair. We invite you to read our candid interview with Tyler below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring – Showmanship Edition.”

Do you like when kids show down on their lamb during showmanship?​
I’m ok with either. Do what you have to to make the sheep look it’s best.

In your opinion, What’s the most crucial thing to do in showmanship to succeed?
Don’t be a distraction, be efficient, and don’t fidget.

Do you prefer kids who get low on their sheep or stand up more when bracing?
I’m not real picky. Try to do what looks and feel natural. How the sheep looks is the most important, don’t distract from that.

What’s your opinion on kids who make noise to get their sheep to walk?
Same as my other answers, don’t really care. Just don’t be obnoxious and let it become a distraction.

What’s your words of wisdom to the kids before you step in the ring?
Take a deep breath, dial in, and enjoy the moment.

What do you look forward to most about your upcoming showmanship judging experience?
Working with and learning from some of the best young people in the country.