We caught up with Market Lamb showmanship judge Madison Banbury before she steps “Inside the Ring” at the Indiana State Fair. We invite you to read our candid interview with Madison below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring – Showmanship Edition.”
What is the hardest thing about judging showmanship?
Today’s showmen are so good and there’s so many different styles of getting the job done. I think that makes it way more challenging to sort. I appreciate the variety, but when it comes to the fundamentals I still have some key priorities: solid eye contact, I want a good brace and I’m a stickler for head and neck placement. In my opinion, I don’t necessarily want anyone to change their style for me – just be consistent from the moment you step in the ring.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
The word can’t.. does that count?
I asked this question to the kids who show for me and the list was longer than a cvs receipt. On a serious note, I would say in the showring: not having ring awareness, I have watched way too many classes over the years where kids pile up on top of each other or they’re 3 feet out of line in either direction. I think part of the whole package is being able to know your surroundings and having that be second nature to getting the job done.
What is the most impactful piece of advice you have received?
Surround yourself with people who fight for you in rooms you’re not in. This industry is full of great people and I’m thankful to have found the ones who hype me up and have my back.
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