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Jordan Amburgey

We caught up with judge Jordan Amburgey before he steps “Inside the Ring” at the Iowa State Fair 4-H Show. Learn more about Jordan below…

What’s been your all time favorite sheep you have judged?
There were five head at the 2023 National Western that I still consider very special, and all five could probably get the honors for being the best I’ve judged. For me, the one that wins Denver gets the title as THE favorite.

Who’s your biggest influence in evaluating livestock?
The people in my circle that’s never allowed me to deviate from liking the kind I like.

What do you look for when evaluating?
The ones that can push the furthest to perfection, without giving up what’s important.

If down to the last few, what will be your sort?
Generally speaking, at the state fair level, they will all have enough muscle for me when it’s down to the last few. The ones with an extra shot of arrogance, can move with agility, and are built different than the rest will get the green light from me.

Do you prefer to evaluate when sheep are in motion or stuck on profile?
The ones I dig, will generally have an elite status whether in motion or parked.

Tell us about your family!
Maggie is still rocking with Purina Animal Nutrition, along with wrangling both myself and Jaye daily. She’s the one that keeps us on a straight path, when the wheels rolling forward.

Jaye, ( Approaching 2 years old),loves her “Baaa’s”, Bluey, and breaking records in her Saturday swim class.

What’s one show you look forward to every year?
I’m a guru, so I look forward to any show I can actually sit down and watch in it’s entirety. Kansas City and Louisville would be the shows I look forward to yearly.

In your mind, how has the industry changed in the show ring over the last 10 years?
I think the industry has revolutionized over the last 10 years to a big level. We’ve seen the expansion of the number of shows kids can attend, the rise of the talent level in terms of showmanship, and an increase in the quality of the sheep with breeders utilizing LAI/ET.