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Chelsea Nelson

We caught up with sheep showmanship judge Chelsea Nelson before she steps “Inside the Ring” at the California Youth Expo. We invite you to read our candid interview with Chelsea below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring – Showmanship Edition.”

Do you like when kids show down on their lamb during showmanship?​
I don’t really have a preference on up or down. What I do appreciate is kids that know what it takes to make their animal look the very best. However, I do prefer a hard brace when handling.

In your opinion, What’s the most crucial thing to do in showmanship to succeed?
Confidence, quickness, and ensuring your animal is set square will win you a lot of bonus points in my book.

Do you prefer kids who get low on their sheep or stand up more when bracing?
Stand up! It’s about making the animal look the best not showing me how good your squat stance is. Don’t make showing sheep harder than it already is

What’s your opinion on kids who make noise to get their sheep to walk?
As long as it’s not a distraction. Do what works for you.

What’s your words of wisdom to the kids before you step in the ring?
Be confident and walk in the ring like you own the place.

What do you look forward to most about your upcoming showmanship judging experience?
Working with the kids and the committee that puts this all together.