Where are you the teacher?
Tuttle, Oklahoma
How many kids do you teach?
Enrollment in Tuttle is 140. We have 2 teachers so I have about 70 of those.
Favorite thing about being a teacher?
Being around students keeps you in that young mindset. I love seeing them grow as a student, exhibitor and judging team member from start to finish. I also really love the competitive nature of the job.
Hardest thing you have had to accept in the last 10 years?
While our enrollment has grown in the past 10 years, the number of students exhibiting livestock has went down. We have had to find other ways to get students involved. The greenhouse and ag mechanics shop has been two areas where we have expanded participation. I’m wired to always think I can fix everything and can work hard enough to make things work out for the best but I can’t “fix” every kid, family, or the American education system and I’m just going to have to live with that and do what I can for those I can
Favorite part of your community?
The Tuttle community is know as Titletown because of all of the state titles won in sports, band and Ag. Participation in extra-curricular activities is not only expected but winning is expected, too. The students and parents know this and have bought in to the idea of excellence in whatever they do. This makes it easier to require students to show up to early morning practice or ride across Texas in a Mini-Bus for hours.
Biggest accomplishment?
My biggest accomplishment is being the coach of several National Champion Livestock and Meats Judging teams those students have went on to receive scholarships to judge across the United States. Many of those students have even traveled to Europe to judge at the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Favorite time of the year and why?
March 1 to May1 and its not even close. When the first of March comes around it’s time for the Grady County Stock Show in Chickasha, OK. One of the toughest counties in Oklahoma. From there its time to move in the the Greatest Junior Livestock Show in the world The Oklahoma Youth Expo. When OYE is over you don’t even have time to catch a breath and its judging/speech season. In the blink of an eye its the last Saturday in April and that’s state contest weekend. Throw in trying to find those early sheep and goats it becomes very busy. Conclude with the State FFA Convention in early May.