We caught up with the breeder of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo. We invite you to read our candid interview with Williams Show Lambs below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”
Who had the biggest influence on you to start your own herd?
Probably my dad. I don’t ever remember not being around sheep. He also was not very supportive of my decision. He didn’t believe you could make a living raising them. He did it as a hobby and sold out when I was around 9 and we moved to town. Same time I started showing myself.
First buck you can remember you bred to:
That’s a long time ago. Honestly it would have been either a frame Suffolk or a Columbia. First wether type ram I remember was a ram from Bob Kimm, he cost around $700 and we had to split him with another breeder to even afford that.
Favorite ewe? Why?
Any of them that lay down and have lambs without any problems.
Growing up what did you think your occupation would be?
I always hoped to be raising sheep but wasn’t sure if that was possible without doing something else.
Are you still on the farm or buildings that you started raising sheep in? If not, when and why did you decide to move?
We started here when I was about 14 before that we lived in town. I was finishing up with college when my parents finally built a house here. Before that it was a bike ride or a ride from parents to do chores.
What has been the scariest decision for your operation?
When I quit doing a different job and decided to raise sheep full time.
If you could add one thing to your operation, what would it be and why?
A hired hand. My son is off to college, my dad is getting older, and my daughters are working a lot to try to keep up around here.