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We caught up with the breeder of the Grand Champion Registered Ewe at the 2024 Arizona National. We invite you to read our candid interview with Rule TX below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Dirty Little Secret x Cocaine Bear

What is an interesting fact about your champion?
We had all missed her and our Intern Lexi Hunt found her hanging out in the keeper ewe pen and moved her into the Showbarn when I was away.  If it wouldn’t have been for her, Pebbles would have never had a show career

Best piece of advice for someone just getting started?
There will always be problems in production agriculture and raising animals.  Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.

What has been the hardest thing you have faced as a breeder?
Still $8 corn in 2012.

What is one thing you think is a non-negotible purchase?
We had a low profile 1997 NWSS trailer without a tack room until Madison got to high school, when we finally decided to get a show trailer.  Wish I made that decision 10 years earlier!  They make jackpot shows so much more enjoyable!

What is your favorite Fall Show? Why?
Arizona National.  Best culture of all Livestock Shows toward exhibitors

Who is a foundation builder for your heard? What makes her so special?
Clementine is going to be replacing Whooty 2 shortly as the lead foundation female.  Ewe lines matter!

Who have you looked up to while building your herd? Why?
Jarold Callahan of Express Ranches in Edmond, OK.  His vision of excellence for all parts of his operation always impressed me and kept me looking for ways to improve our business.