We caught up with the breeder of the Reserve Grand Champion Wether Dam at the 2024 Arizona National. We invite you to read our candid interview with Rule Sheep Company below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”
What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Walk this Way x BTI x Unicorn
What is an interesting fact about your champion?
She was the first natural lamb born out of a donor yearling born in February. She was also Champion at NAILE, Cheyenne Livestock Expo, and Championdrive.com’s female of the Year
Best piece of advice for someone just getting started?
Look for an operation to mimic that has been successful and is willing to help you. Get mentorship from them and follow their roadmap. There are very few new ideas and if you follow one that has worked for someone else in the past, it will probably work for you.
What has been the hardest thing you have faced as a breeder?
$8 corn in 2012. Margins were right back the when we had been on a large growth and leverage curve. Feed prices doubling made for tough decisions and internal gut checks.
What is one thing you think is a non-negotible purchase?
RaceDay from Rule Supplements for the month before a show.
What is your favorite Fall Show? Why?
Arizona National. Other than the 24 hour drive, the management of the show has pushed the culture of the show to be thankful for exhibitors to be attending instead of a burden. The payout is probably the worst of all National Majors, but attendance and numbers keeping going up. Which shows that the industry we are raising our kids up in cares more about a good positive experience for our kids then trying to make money from showing.
Who is a foundation builder for your heard? What makes her so special?
Today I would say Whooty 2 has taken over that title.
Who have you looked up to while building your herd? Why?
Jarold Callahan of Express Ranches in Edmond, OK. His vision of excellence for all parts of his operation always impressed me and kept me looking for ways to improve our business.