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Long Livestock

We caught up with the breeder of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 Utah State Fair. We invite you to read our candid interview with Long Livestock below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Rufio x Smoke Wagon x Pure Enough

What is one thing you still want to accomplish as a breeder?
We strive and focus to make each lamb crop better than the one before. We are proud to run Long Livestock as a family and one of our future accomplishments would be for our young girls to grow up and experience the benefits and opportunities of being apart of this great industry.

Favorite show ring trend?
The focus on build and skeletal quality.

Favorite industry sire of all time?

Most influential female in your flock? Why?
“Sasha” Saban x Smoke Wagon x Birthday Pony x Rain Man.
Easily one of the most dominant lambs we have raised to hit the show ring and in our donor pen.

Favorite show animal you’ve ever seen?
Erica Walkers 2008 Grand at San Antonio