We caught up with the breeder of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2025 San Antonio Stock Show. We invite you to read our candid interview with Kendrick Livestock below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”
What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Father Figure x Gameball
Who helped you get started raising sheep?
We were sitting at the Colorado State Fair in the late 90s thumbing through the Purple Circle. We found an ad from a family in Texas who were selling some ewes with Knop genetics. We called upon that ad and had our first set of ewes a few weeks later.
If you could go back and restart your herd, what is one thing you would have put more emphasis on?
Looking back we wish we would have utilized AI sooner than we did. We feel we would have been able to change and improve our genetics at a much faster rate.
What is a challenge you have faced as a breeder, and how did you overcome it?
As a breeder ,one of our biggest frustrations is a poor flush and or bad conception rates. Every year we try to learn from mistakes made and look forward to the new year with renewed hope
Interesting fact about your champion?
As a baby we were always fond of this guy. There was one other lamb in the same set that was on the top of our list and had given all of our attention to. A few days before we pictured this set, the lamb that we all had high hopes for died. The lamb that got reserve at San Antonio quickly became our first pick from this set.
What pedigree do you feel like has been the most intriguing?
A lot of champions have been named out of Unicorn x Drop The Mic and has been very intriguing
What is your goal show to win as a breeder?
As a Colorado native it would be sweet to have a Champion in Denver!
What is your favorite TX Major?
We are fond of San Antonio this year!