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Beam Ranch

We caught up with the breeder of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 Arizona National. We invite you to read our candid interview with Beam Ranch below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Breeder Spotlight.”

What’s the pedigree of your champion?
Undercover Brother x “Becca” Collusion

What is an interesting fact about your champion?
Kanye was very skittish as a young lamb. When Zerbach’s walked into the pen to shear him for the first time he ran into the gate and about broke his neck. He laid on his side stunned and hurt for a long time. That injury was a challenge to rehabilitate for the entirety of his show career and showed the true heart of a champion.

Best piece of advice for someone just getting started?
There is no substitute for hard work. Ask questions, don’t be afraid to communicate with your breeders, and learn from your peers. This industry, for the most part, enjoys helping new youth learn and grow in their love for showing or raising livestock.

What has been the hardest thing you have faced as a breeder?
Rising cost of expenses is the easy answer. Hay, grain, supplements, equipment, and breeding costs have increased every year.

What is one thing you think is a non-negotible purchase?
A good quad and manure spreader. We have a great amount of moisture in the air in our Valley which leads to wet pens in a hurry. We clean pens every 4-5 days using that quad and manure spreader.

What is your favorite Fall Show? Why?
Without a doubt, the Cow Palace. Growing up, the Cow Palace was our family’s favorite show. We all desired to win the buckle with the bull head logo on it. They used to have “dorm” rooms where the exhibitors could stay in bunks in the horse stalls, walk the catwalk above the rodeo stock, attend the nightly rodeos, and tour the famous venue in San Francisco. Our father showed there as kid and won the judging contest as a college student for Fresno State in 1980, my mom’s team was the champion team in 1981, and my older sister Lacey then won the contest when she judged for my father at San Joaquin Delta College in 2001. Dad helped keep the Cow Palace afloat during tough times with his college students running the goat and sheep shows for many years. It makes us happy to see the Cow Palace gaining popularity again!

Who is a foundation builder for your heard? What makes her so special?
18-3 – Drop the Mic x Double Shot – She is the twin sister to Shane Smith’s Reserve Grand at the California State Fair 2018. We have 6 daughters out of her, one of them being “Teeter” the Supreme Jackpot lamb at The Show in 2022. All of her daughters have produced winners each year.

Who have you looked up to while building your herd? Why?
Our genetic lines revolve around two main influences, Rule Sheep Company and Neff Livestock. We have not ventured off from those two breeding lines much over the last ten years. I think this has helped with the consistency of the progeny in our breeding program year in and year out.