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Tayler Fraze

How did showing lambs influence your life decisions?
Showing lambs has influenced my life decisions by instilling in me the drive to keep pushing on through the ups and downs. Nothing in life comes easy, nothing in the barn comes easy, the effort you put in will pay off in the end. My love for always having sheep in the barn definitely carried over to my lifelong passion to be raising them.

What was your favorite part about stock show?
My absolutely most favorite part was getting to see my friends from across the country! Had it not been for the National Shows I wouldn’t have half of my greatest friendships that I do today! Traveling the country and seeing new things was a bonus too.

If you could go back in time, what is one barn chore that you would have spent more time on?
I don’t know if it qualifies as a “chore” but I most definitely should have spent more time working on showmanship. There’s a reason I found a knack for the cattle barn…showmanship with sheep did not come easy to me. I was a kid that needed to be putting in triple the work, instead I put in about half of that.

What is one piece of advice you would give any exhibitor? 
Always put in as much effort as possible. If you put in 50% you’ll receive 50% out of it. Keep your nose to the grindstone to make it to the top!

What do you do currently?
I am currently partners with my parents on our operation known as Fraze Show Lambs. My plans are to hopefully completely take the business over and continue pushing towards making it the best it can be.

Some of your main stock show accomplishments/winnings:
Supreme Breeding Ewe Arizona National 2014