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Brian Reilly & Gene Winn

We caught up with Texas Major judges Brian Reilly and Gene Winn before they step “Inside the Ring” at the 2023 San Angelo Stock Show and San Antonio Stock Show. We invite you to read our candid interview with Brian and Gene below and please continue to check back often for our next edition of “Inside the Ring.”

Brian Reilly

What is your occupation? What did you think you would be when you were growing up?
Dairy Nutrition Consultant and own a farm where we run 350 ewes.   Farm in some capacity\

What is your daily routine/schedule look like?
Not a great sleeper. Wake up at 4am do chores and check ewes. About 5:30 get on the treadmill and run 4 miles. Usually in my mobile office (pickup) at 7:30 and leaving to visit dairy farms rest of morning.  Afternoon consists of computer work.

Tell us about your family.
I’ve been married to my Wife Jayci for 30 years, Jayci does all the financial books and records on the sheep for our form.  Prior to this she work in education system as a sign language interpreter and English teacher. We have a daughter Tierney who works as purchasing director for a hospital and lives in Chillicothe, MO with her fiancé Cody Doubet who works for Merck animal health and they also have a flock wether ewes.  Our son Calvin is married to Jayde and have a daughter Laramie.  Calvin works for us full time as flock manager, Jayde works in marketing and they are starting a herd of club calf cows.

What is one word that describes your feelings on getting to judge?


Gene Winn

What is your occupation? What did you think you would be when you were growing up?
I’m retired after working 16 years as an Ag/Science Teacher and 16 as an NMSU Extension Agent. No clue! But I’m sure I thought it was going to be something in agriculture.

What is your daily routine/schedule look like?
I have no schedule! I’m retired! LOL! However, with around 100 head of ewes, this time of year I stay busy doing daily chores, feeding, doctoring, and spend a lot of nights lambing. When I retire for real, my daily schedule will be in the mountains fishing, hunting, and enjoying the views.

Tell us about your family.
My wife and I have been married for 38 years. We raised 4 great kids who are fortunate to understand the value of showing livestock. They are spread out from New Mexico to Kansas and have blessed us with 8 grandchildren…so far.

What is one word that describes your feelings on getting to judge?


Since the two of judges are friends and are both judging a Texas Major, we thought it would be fun to do a “Most Likely To” for your interview. Find out who is “Most Likely To” below!

Most likely to give the longest grand drive speech:

Most likely to spill lunch on your tie/judging shirt:

Most likely to get a speeding ticket:

Most likely to forget something:

Most likely to be in bed by 7PM: