We caught up with Mr. Sam Schmillen, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 Iowa State Fair 4-H. Learn a little more about Sam below!What is one thing you try to do that sets you apart?The main thing I can do is fine tune my showmanship...
Your online source for the show lamb industry.
sam schmillen
Sam Schmillen
We caught up with Mr. Sam Schmillen, exhibitor of the Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Lamb at the 2023 Iowa State Fair. Learn a little more about Sam below!Age: 17 Grade: 11th - Remsen St. Mary's HS How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?I think for our...
Brittney Schmillen
We caught up with Ms. Brittney Schmillen, exhibitor of the Grand Champion 4-H Ewe at the 2023 Iowa State Fair. Learn a little more about Brittney below!Age: 12 Grade: 6th Grade How do you stay focused on reaching your goal?My parents are very good at making sure all...
Sam Schmillen
We caught up with Mr. Sam Schmillen, exhibitor of the Grand Champion 4-H Market Lamb at the 2022 Iowa State Fair. Learn a little more about Sam below!School Attending & Grade: I will be a sophomore this Fall at Remsen St. Mary’s High School in Remsen Iowa What was...