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Brynlee Hogg

We caught up with Ms. Brynlee Hogg, exhibitor of the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the 2024 EYO. Learn a little more about Brynlee below!

What is one thing you try to do that sets you apart?
One thing I try to do is always have a smile on my face. I try to bring this to the ring as much as possible. You never know the the impact a smile can have on someone’s day. As long as you keep smiling and stay positive, you will continue to be successful.

What was the hardest thing you had to learn about showing sheep?
I learned that sheep just like humans, can have a bad day. There may be days when you walk into the ring and your animal just doesn’t want to perform and that’s ok. You just have to learn to be patient and be intentional with your actions in order to keep your animal calm.

Who has helped you the most as a showman?
There have been countless numbers of people throughout my career who have helped me so much as a showman and a human. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of sister, James Cochran, Riley Hoyle, Nicole Allen and so many more.

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